Friday, October 05, 2012


G had an infection last week that looked a bit like a red somewhat angry patch of skin (nowhere intimate I might add!).  Antibiotics were prescribed (twelve per day) and painkillers were taken.  Improvements were not apparent.

On Wednesday, my mum took G to A&E to get it looked at.  A few hours later, G was being operated on under general anaesthetic and, somewhat suprisingly, was discharged that evening.

G then had to go to the GP to get the dressings changed.  The first time was today.  This was the first time it became totally apparent what had been done.  A somewhat deep wound had been packed with material to prevent the wound from healing wrongly.  G thought it was likely a magicians trick was being performed pulling all this "stuffing" out.  An excruciatingly painful magicians trick, which caused tears to cascade down G's face.

The wound was then cleaned and repacked.  G will have to go through the same process again every couple of days.  The next appointment is on Monday, but if the dressing doesn't last, we'll have to go to A&E.

It has to be said that G is milking it and is using me as a personal slave. I've even had to cook dinner.  I feel very hard done by.


TF said...

Cut and run I say ;-)

Random Reflections said...

Tf - Hope all is well with you. If there is any cutting, there won't be any running on my part - more like passing out...

Cornish Dreamer said...

Anyone in that situation would milk it too! ;-) Crikey, though. It sounds horrific. I hope G is on the mend now.

Random Reflections said...

CD- Hello. I am beginning to wonder if the whole thing is an elaborate plot on G's part to make me do the cooking. Although some might suggest putting a large hole in your torso is quite an extreme way of achieving this. Buying microwave meals might have been easier.

G is doing ok and is currently having daily dressing changes and sleeping a lot. I think that's progress of sorts...

Cornish Dreamer said...

hmm. well, I can sympathisebwith G. If that's the only way to get you to do the cooking... ;-) She was obviously driven to the extreme. ha ha.

Glad G is doing ok and making progress. Hope the wound is healing ok. I have a friend who is a nurse who speciaises in such wounds, the descriptions alone make me feel faint.

Random Reflections said...

CD- My sister came round for dinner last night and was in shock when I did the cooking. I cooked an excellent meal though. Honest!

G is really worn out now. I think the last couple of days were a bit too much and so doesn't feel as though things are progressing quite as well as previously.

I am so squeamish that I am pleased there is lots of dressing preventing me from seeing the wound. The nurse did say that she could see the bottom of the hole after a week. It is very deep...