Monday, November 20, 2006


I seem to think that a couple of weeks ago I had been blogging for a year. What do I have to say about that? Not a lot beyond having met some very nice people through blogging (both in person and in cyber-space) and my blog not being as I had expected i.e. I had never intended to say anything particularly personal. But what can I tell you? It’s cheaper than paying a therapist.

I was at my parents’ yesterday and mum knows that I write a blog, although nothing more than that. Her latest thing seems to be asking me where it is, what it’s about etc etc. Somehow I just don’t have the urge to tell her how to find it though. It means I have to remove every trace if I visit it whenever I use their computer though. I think it would just be very weird if my mum read it.

Talking of weird things, there’s this, which is basically a way to analyse something someone has written to see what gender their writing style comes out as. From my writing it has decided I am female, which is a relief. But this assertion is based on the fact that I use words such as “and” and (*thinks* ooh prime example there) “was”. Do men really not use those words very much? Does that mean men only ever construct very short sentences and never think about anything in the past? Apparently male words are things like “the” and (there I go again) “it”. Men are obviously a highly developed gender. Anyway, if you blog, or want to dig out an old school essay, you may wish to analyse your writing style - or find out about other people. I am sure it is highly scientifically accurate.

I keep meaning to comment on a blogger who I am often impressed by, that being Sarsparilla, who I think is really good at expressing herself and hit’s the nail on the head with all sorts of things she says. I could mention any number of her posts that I think have been brilliant but I’ll just mention her latest one and given that I have written a bit about blogging today, one she wrote a while agoabout that very subject and personas. I will add this to the list of things I need to return to at some point - how similar am I in real life to what is in my blog? For now, I will leave you to ponder that for yourself.


Anonymous said...

i'm reading, just never get a chance to leave my paw print. enjoy your evening.

Random Reflections said...


Thanks for the comment. I too read your blog but don't often comment. I hope things are going ok with your parents.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

From my sick bed (flu) went to the analyising writing style link to test it out
But now I'm seriously worried, tried it three times with different passages, results as follows:-


Maybe I need to see a doctor or maybe NHS Direct can help.... pulls body out of bed to find lemslip and to fill el up hot water bottle....

Oh, happy 1st birthday TF

Random Reflections said...

Sorry to hear you're ill. I hope you feel better soon. Was that my writing or yours you analysed? *has a quick peer downwards* yep I'm definitely female.