Monday, September 17, 2012


Some new tenants moved in upstairs last week.  They are there for a month.

On Saturday morning I was sitting in the living room watching TV and G came in and said that there was water dripping through the bathroom ceiling.  I went and knocked on the neighbours' door and introduced myself and then explained that there was water comign through.  The woman responded "tell the landlord".  I explained that it was due to water goign over the side of the bath (this also happened with the previous tenant) and she just repeated that I needed to tell the landlord.  I said I would but that it needed to be dealt with now because water was coming through right now.  She then asked if I was saying she could never have a shower again.  I was a bit astounded by all this and explained that wasn't what I was saying, but that I needed the water to be dealt with.  I have no idea how we concluded the conversation, but the water did stop a while later, and I texted her landlord.

One of my other neighbours knocked on the door tonight and said, amongst other things, that the new neighbour was drying her washing by hanging it on coat hangers out the front windows.  My neighbour was not impressed.  I needed to text their landlord about something else and so politely tagged on to the end that it wasn't very nice to have someone's washing hanging out the windows and could she ask her tenants not to do it again.

This is going to be a long month.


Cornish Dreamer said...

At least she wasn't airing her dirty laundry...

Sounds like a nightmare. I hope things get better for you.

Random Reflections said...

Cornish Dreamer - Why didn't I think of that joke.

The landlord for that flat apologised, but said it is only for a month... As I said, it's going to be a long month...

Cornish Dreamer said...

I hope the month goes quickly, then. And: yes...why didn't you think of that joke ;-P

Kahless said...

A shotgun may help?

Random Reflections said...

Cornish Dreamer - I am clearly inadequate in the joke department.

Kahless - Good to hear from you? I might have to take your advice on board. Still a loooooooong month ahead.

Hope all is well xx