Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I got home to a rather stressed G last night. G’s niece is in care and has been living with a foster family. Things were looking as though they were going ok, but G got a phone call yesterday to say that N had run away. G did manage to speak to N last night and she just kept saying she was “fine”, but did ask G to put credit on her mobile phone. G agreed to do this as long as N went home. We’ll find out today if she did.

G is really stressed about it all. N is in Scotland and so distance is a problem anyway, but G phones every week to keep up contact, but it can be quite difficult talking to a rather surly teenager. I won’t even go into how G’s family deals with it all, which is best described as somewhat unhelpful.

We were hoping to arrange for N to come down and stay at Easter and are actually in the middle of going though criminal record checks etc so that we could get permission for her to come and stay. But that is all looking very unlikely now and so we are going to have to work out what to say to N because we don’t want to let her down, but don’t think the social workers would give permission for her to come and visit regardless of anything else.

So we’ll see how it goes. Things had been looking more positive but now seem to have descended to a new low. Hopefully we’ll find out today that she at least went home last night because that would be progress. *sigh*


The Gripes of Wrath said...

At last - something I can be useful with: email me with some details and I can check out some networks to support G's niece while in care, depending on where she is and how old. Also, if she's running away there are also some services that can help (again, depending on geography depends on what and how good).

In the mean time, there's always the runaway helpline:
freefone: 0808 800 70 70
text: 80234

DAB said...

Fingers crossed that all works out well TFx

Random Reflections said...

Gripes - Thanks for your help and advice.

TF - I think you may have to keep your fingers crossed for some time to come...

Kahless said...

I hope she went home and is safe.

Random Reflections said...

Kahless - no she's still missing and the police are looking for her. She doesn't seem to be in any hurry to come home and whilst the police are looking for her because she is 14, she is also in trouble with them for a few things too...