Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Keeping on

I spent most of yesterday evening, in fact all of it apart from when I ate dinner, doing work. The course went pretty well yesterday, but I foolishly agreed to conduct an interview, which will be videoed, today and I hadn’t plotted out the interview so I had to spend last night doing it. I haven’t actually agreed a script with the other person because it is meant to be vaguely genuine looking, but this might prove to be a mistake! Both of us are nervous that we are going to be one to let the side down, but hopefully we can wing it.

I also spent a while talking to the woman in my team who was admitted to hospital on Monday. She is still in hospital, but seemed in good spirits. This was rather an improvement on what she was like on Monday because for quite a while she thought she was going to die, including when a doctor saw her at the hospital and he did various things and lots of blood started to appear. I think it has all been rather traumatic and she isn’t entirely happy that they still don’t know what is wrong with her, but they appear to have ruled out some of the more serious options.

Hopefully this is the last team drama for now. My team are lovely though and my boss commented to me yesterday about how touched she was to see how enthusiastic my team were about me. Hopefully it will be enough to convince them to keep me on...


Kahless said...

So how did the course go?
How was the role play?

Random Reflections said...

Kahless - it went well and the feedback was really good, including form my two new bosses who said that I was "excellent" which I was a bit gob smacked by (I do think this was also a bit of an over statement, but if it keeps me in a job I'm not going to complain...).

The role play was bad, but it was meant to be. Hopefully it worked pretty well. I certainly made people cringe with how badly the interview went at times, but it was meant to have that sort of effect so they could suggest what I should have done and then hopefully not make the mistakes themselves!

Anonymous said...

Haha, I like that: making people cringe!

Oh well, at least it went off alright, and the people who matter were happy!

Your work life certainly seems to be very very dramatic...

Random Reflections said...

anothercookiecrumbles - I think they will certainly remember it and if they don't it was actually videoed...

I don't think my life is dramatic, mine is very mundane. It is all the people around me who have dramatic lives! At the moment, my team seems to be going from one crisis to another, which at least keeps work interesting.