Tuesday, October 20, 2009


The two people in my team who were not getting on seem to have patched up their differences. I believe they even gave each other a hug yesterday. So, that is certainly an improvement.

The new team related issue is that one of my team is currently on hospital due to breathing issues. She got taken to hospital yesterday morning and had various tests run and stayed in hospital over night. I think she might get released today. My team are nothing if not eventful. Actually when I got into work one of my team told me straight away that the partner of this colleague had phoned and my team wanted me to phone straight away to find out if something was wrong. This wasn’t because they are nosy but because our office seems to have a higher than average death rate and they therefore wanted me to make sure that something really serious hadn’t happened. So I phoned as soon as I sat down at my desk and the rest of the team breathed a collective sigh of relief that it wasn’t worse news. It’s amazing how paranoid you can get working in my office! I hope things improve today.

Anyway, I am off out early today to go and meet up with the other person I am running this course with. I hope I survive the next two days.


DAB said...

Hope you survived the day :) TFx

Kahless said...

Good luck for the next few days!

Random Reflections said...

TF - it went much better than hoped. Now just tomorrow to get through...

Kahless - Thank you. The big bosses weren't there for my parts yesterday, but will be there tomorrow...