Thursday, April 15, 2010


It has been a busy week so far. I have felt a bit like I had jet lag, which isn’t really possible given that Jersey is only a 35 minute flight away and is on the same time zone. I think perhaps I am just lazy then. I did, however, go back to a mountain of work and have done volunteering a couple of nights this week (which included being told off for having a clicky pen, but also getting some praise for my tough line that I took with someone I had to deal with. I got praise from scary man!).

I have noticed that the number of books I have read this year has seriously declined compared to the past two years. If I carry on at this rate, I will read half the number I did last year – only ending up somewhere in the mid-thirties. I have read one very long book this year (The Count of Monte Cristo), but feel that I need to up my pace because there are so many books that I want to read and so little time…


Kahless said...

Wow, a plane that flew...

and the scarey man gave praise...

Random Reflections said...

Kahless - well, we got back from Jersey before the problems started, but we didn't make it Glasgow though - and still haven't sorted out the refund.