Thursday, November 17, 2005

The grass is always greener

I have moved all my belongings now and have settled into the new house. There is loads of unpacking to do but most stuff is dumped in the spare room and I will work my way through it and turn chaos into order – hopefully.

My ex-housemate sent me a text last night to ask me to go and cut the grass at the place we have just vacated. I texted back and said I don’t think it is normally expected to cut the grass in November and that I reckon the grass will be too wet to mow anyway. I don’t think she was too impressed by that but I wasn’t impressed at being asked to do it and I suspect she has left me al the things that she doesn’t want to do. Maybe I am being unreasonable but I have no desire to carry out chores that I don’t need to as I have plenty to do already. At the new place a gardener will come and sort out the garden – and not even at my expense. Marvellous.

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