Wednesday, November 23, 2005


On the way home tonight I got on a very full tube train as the announcer was saying that people should get on that service. Except- the strap on my bag got stuck in the door and it wasn't possible to dislodge it. The train set off and I was calculating in my head whether the doors were going to open on that side of the train again before I needed to get off. The problem being which platform would it go into at the stop I needed to change at. I decided there was no point in panicking and was so relieved when the train stopped and the doors opened on the right side. I am not entirely sure what I would have done if it didn't. Pull the emergency alarm? Stay on the train until it reached a station where the doors opened in the right side? Perhaps the easiest thing to do in future is to take more care when getting on a train.

Rodent update:

It seems the creature is likely to be a mouse. The droppings were those of a mouse. However, the way it had eaten the bait was like a rat would. Apparently mice crack open the grain and only eat the middle, but rats eat the whole thing. The rodents had eaten the whole grain, which still suggested there might be a rat about somewhere, although it is unlikely. Maybe I have a mouse who aspires to ratdom. So relief all round then.

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