Monday, April 27, 2009


I seemed to spend the majority of the weekend sorting out our trip to Canada. We are staying in six different places and I have not booked three of them and have made enquiries at a few places to stay at each of the others. It will be a relief to get this done. It is a major holiday which involves a 1200 mile round trip (so I must remember to hire a car as well...) and so the logistics of it have been quite difficult.

My life seems to be about holidays at the moment, as I am off to Cornwall with my sister next week. Until last year I had never been there before and now I am going twice in 10 months. This is rather an impromptu holiday for me so I need to get my act together and work out what I need to take with me. G is coming down for the first couple of days and then I am staying on for the rest of the week.

Anyway, five days of work to get through before then...


DAB said...

Glad you're finally using up your leave for holidays! Well done for the kind Eastbourne deed, you'll go to heaven. Of course, not yet.... :) TFx

Kahless said...

You would hate the Kahless household. We are last minute merchants when it comes to packing.

Oh and what are plans?

Random Reflections said...

TF - I have used lots of leave this year so far - and still have lots more to use.

I am hoping the swine fever doesn't get me...

Kahless - I do quite often leave it until the last minute to actually get things in my case, but I need to be planning the holiday and what to pack. Think of all the things that could go wrong!