Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I had a remarkably peaceful return to work. No-one else was in, so I just went through my e-mails and got on with my work. This was a rather more relaxed day than I had envisaged because I had thought there might be a massive pile of work waiting for me. More people should be in today, so I am hoping that it doesn’t turn up today instead...

Although I did have a relaxing day, I had a ranty evening. I have pretty much reached the end of my tether with John Lewis. I went to John Lewis on Oxford Street yesterday because that is how I have now been advised to get the refund on the SatNav. I was unimpressed with them and that is the day after they scratched my kitchen floor. So I have now written to them and explained how rubbish they have been over the last three years. I also wrote a couple of other complaint letters about some other issues e.g. Avis being rubbish about allowing an additional driver. I am like Jeremy Paxman complaining about the quality of M&S underpants. G is worried that I am going to be even worse, when I get older (and I get a year older on Friday so this may happen soon...).


Sarah said...

Good to have you back. Sounds like a great holiday (and everyone needs a near disaster for their holiday stories!)

In your absence it was announced that a new edition of the ninth Anne of Green Gables book is to be published, complete with previously expunged dark bits...

Dark Anne? A horribly disillusioning idea, probably a good thing that the news came out subsequent to your departure!

Spudgy said...

Sounds like you had an adventure and a half on your holidays!

As for 'Bad Customer Service' my other half gives out to people who don't give a decent service. Sometimes I cringe but I know she's right. You have to stick to your guns and besides as she says - good customer service costs nothing!!
Not impressed with your adventures in John Lewis

Random Reflections said...

Sarah - thanks. It was a great holiday and I did make it back in one piece.

A new edition of Anne? A dark version of Anne? I'm thinking serial killer...

Random Reflections said...

Spudgy - It was one of the best holidays ever!

I have been annoyed with John lewis for a while, but am now just exasperated with them. I wrote to their head office in the hope that by cataloguing three years worth of problems they might actually do something!

Kahless said...

John Lewis is expensive. Shop t'internet!

Random Reflections said...

Kahless - it depends what you are buying. I always check various retailers before I buy (because obviously I can never make a spontaneous purchase!). They do good warranties etc and that is what I need for a washing machine seeing as my last one broke rather speedily.

Sorry that is a very tedious reply... I must get a life now I am 34...