Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I went to my nephew’s birthday party yesterday. This meant that I got to leave work at 3pm, which was marvellous, particularly as work doesn’t seem to have got the hang of the heating system (after about 10 years) and it was like working in a furnace today. My nephew seemed on good form and was really pleased when G phoned to say happy birthday (what with them being best friends).

I am avidly watching the updates on the British Airways strike. We are flying with them to Jersey on Easter Saturday, so we know we will be able to get there because the union has said that they will not strike at Easter, but then I realised that didn’t necessarily mean that we will be able to get back again. I would rather get stuck in Jersey rather than not be able to go at all though, so we are going regardless and BA will just have to find some way to get us home again.


Kahless said...


Random Reflections said...

Kahless - indeed...