My neighbour upstairs seems to be about a lot more at the moment. She is often not about for weeks on end, and then suddenly reappears briefly, maybe only for an hour or two and then disappears again. However, more recently she has been about a lot more and I know this because she just seems to walk about incessantly. There are probably track marks across her carpet where she paces back and forth, back and forth, back and forth… you get the idea… We also think she maybe does some kind of full gym workout at various points or else she is up to something very odd.
So the neighbour above is like a herd of elephants, the neighbour on one side has a crying baby and the neighbour on the other side has a barking dog. I think it might be time to look for a house to buy at some point in the future, or I’ll find a new home at Her Majesty’s Pleasure.
I heard back from the woman I knew from school and we are meeting up next Tuesday for lunch, so that should be good. If we can recognise each other.
Maybe look for a house...
Or buy some ear plugs ....
Ahah, I have just thought of a new invention. The problem with ear plugs is that you wont hear your alarm go off in the morning... so how about earplugs with a built in alarm clock....?
Maybe one for dragon's den...
Kahless - another great suggestion from you about the earplugs! That is my concern about using them to a built in alarm clock would be perfect.
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