Tuesday, April 14, 2009


A nice long weekend over. G is actually off work another two days, so I am even more bitter.

Easter eggs were eaten (I feel they may not last as long this year as in previous years), nice walks were had in the sunshine and countryside. Good books were read. Nice food was eaten. Family was seen and no-one ended up dead Although I am still waiting for an Easter egg from my parents). A successful weekend (last point excepted).

I started to read Kim by Rudyard Kipling, but am not really finding that very readable. I think I might listen to it as a talking book and see if I can get through it that way instead. I am now reading “The Reader”, which I previously read maybe 10 years ago, but am doing so again because G just read it and liked it; it has some thoughts on reading out loud to someone, which as I am doing that at the moment I would like to read what it says; and we will get round to seeing the film at some point and so want to read it again before that. I am now on book 25 this year. It is so nice to be enthusiastic about reading again. Long may it continue.

Now to pluck up the courage to have a difficult conversation with my boss...


Kahless said...

Reading books out loud...

You are a romantic at heart!

Random Reflections said...

Kahless - I deny everything! Perhaps I just like the sound of my own voice?!