Wednesday, April 22, 2009


When I was coming home on the tube last night I bumped into G, which is actually a fairly rare occurrence even though we finish about the same time and take fairly similar routes home. This meant that we both got to enjoy the heating being on full blast on the train. This was not a pleasant experience.

If you were going away on holiday, would you want to be on board this flight, even after it had been repaired. A plane fails to take off three times and they then get it repaired and people get back on board and go off on their hols… I’m not sure I would have been keen. I am also slightly suspicious of people who give quotes and are described as “a 48-year-old retired customs officer”. Retired at 48 years old?? Previously a customs officer??? A connection? I shall leave you to make up your mind. Of course I could just be bitter that someone is able to retire by the time they are 48.


DAB said...

1000 post! Jesus, I bet I've read most of them. I need to get a life too ;-) TFx

Word verification is EGGLESS !!!!

Random Reflections said...

TF - This was your chance to say what fantastic well written prose it has all been. It's too late to offer you a bribe now...

I am not eggless - two Easter eggs still to go!

DAB said...

Oh, but it has. I'm so looking forward to hearing about the future wedding ;-) Only two??? TFx

Random Reflections said...

TF - You are very naughty!

I only started with three eggs, so I am one third of the way through and actually mum still hasn't given me her one so that one may last a long time!

Kahless said...


How did TF know it was your 1000 post.

I am off to check how many I have written......

Kahless said...


Got a lot more to write to catch up with you!

Also, I meant to say - before I read TF's comment - that I would have been terrified on that flight. I bet they sat on the plane whilst it was being fixed and wouldnt let them off.

Random Reflections said...

Kahless - I used to blog 7 days a week and now it's normally five days a week. It is my therapy!

I am normally fine with flying, but I think I would have been pretty worried about being on that plane. Although I would think the pilot would have made pretty sure it wasn't going to crash, as he would have been as likely to die as me!