Tuesday, February 02, 2010


I went out at lunch time yesterday to sort a few things out. One of those things was to try and find a book on Jersey. It appears I have found a gap in the market. There are very few books about Jersey and any that do exist tend to be rather slated by the people who have used them. Perhaps I should now turn our trip away into a book writing tour and write a guide to Jersey. I could make my fortune.

On the way back from lunch I was walking along an alley that is by a school and got whacked in the head with a football. The first time I was aware of it was when it hit me in the head. I didn’t chuck it back over the wall, but neither did I stab it or pick it up and march up to the school door and demand an explanation. I think I was *very* restrained.

I am currently reading the book Lolita at the moment. When I am reading it on the tube, I wonder if people look at me and think that I am reading a dirty book. It isn’t – it was never even banned when it was published in the 1950s, how bad can it be? But there is a part of me that thinks people will be judging me by my reading material. At times it is a good job that people don’t speak to each other on the tube.


ChrisB said...


Thanks for your reply, look forward to hearing about your plans - hope you manage to find a decent guidebook for Jersey!

Cornish Dreamer said...

A guidebook to Jersey sounds perfect...and a fab way of funding a holiday ;-)

Random Reflections said...

ChrisB - I'd better get on with my planning then! I now have a guidebook, but it is a few years out of date. We'll see how I get on with that.

Claire - and hopefully fund my early retirement too. I have high expectations of my writing ability!

(no subject) said...

i personally am currently judging your reading selection. but only in a way that makes me think more highly of you. because 1. you read way more than i do and im jealous and 2. that is supposed to be a very good book! =)

Kahless said...


Hope the head is OK.

Random Reflections said...

Kahless - fortunately my head recovered, but perhaps I will take a different route back to the office in future.

Random Reflections said...

no subject - sorry, I didn't mean to ignore your comment there. Commuting to work gives me the majority of the item that I use to read. Without that I think it would be a very different picture. Find time to read though, there are so many great books out there.

It is a pretty good book and is very thought provoking. I shall say no more at this point...