Friday, February 26, 2010


Words cannot describe how tired I was yesterday. I ended up not going to bed until about midnight because G had arranged birthday drinks after work on Wednesday and they went in until quite late and were in the centre of London. I left at about 10.30pm and this involved deserting G, who was in for the longer haul. G got home about an hour after me and so was even more tired than I was.

Even though G’s birthday was last Sunday, the celebrations are not over yet. Tomorrow we are going out for dinner at a posh restaurant and will do various nice things in London during the day probably. Then on Sunday it is my sister’s birthday so there will be more home cooked food from my mum and another birthday cake to consume. It’s a hard life.


Cornish Dreamer said...

Sounds fabulous. :-D

Hope you have a good weekend.

mc said...

Birthday cake! I'm making one of those at the moment.
Happy celebrations!

Random Reflections said...

CW - and fabulous it was indeed! I hope you had a good weekend.

y- The cake was good and we brought some home with us. I hope your cake was a success.

Cornish Dreamer said...

glad it was fabulous. And had a very good weekend, thank you :-)

Random Reflections said...

CW - but I'm now not going to be able to eat or enjoy myself for the whole of March in order to make up for it.

I'm pleased to hear you had a good weekend.

Cornish Dreamer said...

I'm glad you won't be able to eat yourself. ;-)

Random Reflections said...

CW - I might have been a bit tired and confused last night!

Cornish Dreamer said...

lol. I'm sure that must be it ;-)

Random Reflections said...

CW- that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it...

Kahless said...

Hope your recovered from all the celebrations..

Random Reflections said...

Kahless - just about, but next is my nephew's birthday. But as he will be five, hopefully it won't be too raucous.