My weekend was good and involved lots of food once again. I think March is going to have to be a month of austerity to try and put a stop to a potentially increasing waistline. It was worth it though... We did bring some of my sister’s birthday cake back with us, so I don’t think it is going to be too much of a shock to the system.
When I was at my parents’ house yesterday I was reading my sister’s “Old Girls” newsletter from school. I never bothered to sign up for it, but always read my sister’s newsletter. Anyway, there was some rather interesting information about someone I knew who was a couple of years below me. So I had a quick search in the interweb last night and found a way to get in touch with her. It would be good to hear from her and given the way her life seems to have headed, there are some things I would like to have a chat with her about. Perhaps my school years might prove to be of more use than I had previously thought.
How can it be March already?
It's never good to put the body into to gradually ease off (which is great because you can take your time with the easing off ;-)).
Sounds intriguing. Hope it works out well
CW - Somehow I don't think I will end up depriving myself. Actually I ate some cake tonight, so I have failed already.
I havent kept in contact with anyone from school.
Hope you successfully hook up with one of your fellow 'old girls'
Kahless - I'm seeing a friend from school this Saturday actually. It will be good to catch up.
I have yet to make the arrangements to meet up with this other "old girl", but hopefully we will sort it soon.
It is an unfortunate phrase...
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