Monday, September 15, 2008

Highlights of the Highlands

Another holiday over and it’s back to work today. It’s amazing I managed to drag myself out of bed this morning. Anyway a few highlights of the time away.

Meeting G’s family went well. The most amusing moments (taking into account that we were there for G’s sister’s wedding) were:

- The priest getting the couple to say their vows and then saying to the congregation “I now present you all with the new Mr and Mrs [completely wrong surname]”. Oops. I did have real trouble not inappropriately laughing for the rest of the service.
- G’s dad was wearing a kilt, not that unusual for a Scot at a wedding, but it did make it all the more amusing when he kept going up to dance and at one stage was getting on down to “I’m just a love machine”. You would probably have to have been there to have picked up on quite how amusing that was. I think he had been drinking the cheeky water, as the Scots would say.
- G and I were staying at the bride and groom’s house and the following morning we got up and I was tidying the living room up a bit and found two pairs of underpants behind the sofa cushions. I believe these belonged to the two teenage (kilted) ushers, who it seems at the last minute found the courage to wear the kilts with no pants on.

We had arranged for a hire car to be dropped off so we could go away for a week and were expecting something like this:

But in fact were given something like this:

Nice car to drive, but slightly rubbish acceleration. It’s a good job I am used to driving all sorts of different cars as I ended up doing all the driving and it was a big car.

The Argyll region of Scotland was lovely and well worth a visit. The weather was a bit mixed but didn’t stop us doing anything. We ate lots, saw lots and did some walking in a vague effort not to return about a stone heavier than when we went.

I’ll upload some photos in the next few days so you can see a bit of what we did. But now it’s time for work…


DAB said...

Welcome back. So were you tempted in buy yourself a bit of tartan cloth? Hope work went OK today and hope you're not working in banking, hard journey ahead for some employees tonight methinks :O TFx

Random Reflections said...

TF - Thanks. Didn't buy any tartan, but do have a Scottish sheep mug.

No I don't work in banking - if I did I think the numbers would have stopped adding up a long time ago...