Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I am taking my car to a Ford dealer in a few minutes to get a proper quote for repairing the bumper so that I can tell my neighbour how much it will cost. What I really want to do is to drop it off and head to work and they can then inspect it at their leisure and tell me later how much it will cost. The chap I spoke to kept insisting that they will be able to look at it as soon as I arrive though, which is helpful but will then mean I have to drive home and then head off to work from there, so will end up arriving at work quite late. So that’s not quite so helpful. Anyway, we shall see.

I was talking to mum on the phone yesterday lunch time and was telling her that I have just started reading War and Peace. I am not entirely convinced I will make it to the end but am going to give it a go. I have tracked down some notes on it so that every few chapters I can check I am keeping up and also plan to read some other more light-hearted books so that I have a bit of variety. I was telling mum how long the book is (over 1300 pages) and that it takes me something like 2 minutes per page (it is small print so there are a lot of lines on a page). That means it will take about 2600 minutes to read it, which is about 43 hours. Mum wanted me to do nothing from then on until Wednesday lunch time except read the book. I suggested that wasn’t very convenient, so now she wants me to start at 7pm on Friday night and keep reading until I get to the end. Mum doesn’t seem to think I need to sleep and will have plenty of time for that on Sunday night in order to be refreshed for work the following day. I am not entirely convinced. I am also not sure that it will make the book seem less daunting either. I have read about 1% of it so far. There is still a looooooooooooong way to go. I have a slightly more realistic target of hoping I can have read it all by Christmas. I have not specified Christmas of which year as yet.


DAB said...

Random, No! No! Do not waste 43 hours of your life reading this book. I've been informed that War and Peace is a crap story about lots of war and a little bit of peace and follows the lives of Nikolai, Boris (I think) and Sonya.

Go outside, go for a walk, go blinkin' food shopping, even go dancing(!) ....... TFx

Random Reflections said...

TF - But... but... but... it's meant to be one of the books everyone should read! That obviously doesn't actually therefore mean it is good or enjoyable of course.

I've started it now so surely I can't give up already??

Kahless said...

I would be really interested to hear what you think and would recommend it!

Random Reflections said...

kahless - certainly will do. I'm hoping I can manage to remember the plot for all 1350 of it...