Monday, January 18, 2010


I feel much better healthwise, but still haven’t shaken off the tiredness that came from being unwell last week. However, the training on Saturday went well and I have foolishly agreed to do some more volunteering on Thursday night this week – foolish because it means very probably taking the ‘lead’ on it, which given that I have incredibly limited experience and what I do has potentially legal implications, might prove to be unwise, but there you go…

On Saturday I was watching a programme and there was just a fairly insignificant comment in it that made me think of the friend I made on the first day of high school. We stayed friends after leaving school (many years ago now…) but over the last couple of years have not been in touch very much for a whole variety of reasons. The moment in the programme just made me feel very sad about our lack of contact and so I sent her a text apologising for being such a rubbish friend and telling her how important she is to me etc. She texted back and said she had been an equally rubbish friend and other such things. I miss my friend and we need to get back in touch properly.

In exciting news (for me rather than you, admittedly), we have just booked to go for a day trip on the Orient Express. It’s not until May, but we have a nice bit of luxury ahead and will go to the coast and back on the British Pullman. Incidentally, should you ever want to do this, you need to check whether you are going both ways on the Orient Express or one way by coach and the other on the train. We are going both ways by train and I think I would be a bit disappointed if we’d book one and had to go by coach one way. Anyway, this trip should help to satisfy our desire for a bit of luxury and some fine dining.


mc said...

The Orient Express! I'm being vicariously excited.

Random Reflections said...

y - it is *very* exciting! I got the confirmation through today, so it is all booked! Perhaps you could drop hints to one of your mandates to take you on a trip.

Kahless said...

How exciting; you will have to take loads of photos!

Random Reflections said...

Kahless - I bought G a digital camera for Christmas, so we have finally made it into the 21st century for a 1930s experience.