Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Monkey magic

It is good news dear reader. The campaign to find a monkey had been successful. I mentioned to my monkey obsessed colleague that PG Tips are currently giving away monkeys with packs of tea. She instantly sent me out on a mission to find said monkey. That’s right, I was brave and went out on my lunch break for once, and that surely shows how serious this quest was. I looked but the shelves were bare, I think others had been there before me, so I traipsed back to the office empty handed. My colleagues face dropped at my return, which obviously is not the ideal response. Anyway, I promised her I would go on a monkey search on the way home.

I hopped off the tube part way through my journey and went to the supermarket. There on the shelves of Sainsbury’s were boxes and boxes of monkeys waiting to be released from their cages and taken back to loving homes. I released three - one for myself, one for the woman at work and one that I will probably give to my nephew.

Look how well he has settled in already.

I think I may also have found a new technique for trying to pull. I think this t-shirt could be the answer to all of my problems.

Anyway, enough of all of this monkey business. Normal service will be resumed tomorrow. *wanders off to play with the monkey*


Anonymous said...

too funny. enjoy your play time *wink*

missfee said...

he he, and what a cute little fellow he is... hope you like tea? three boxes of PG tips?! A rarity in my part of the country...

Anonymous said...

Apparently there are also Andrex Puppies with Red Noses in existence out there somewhere, and I'm under strict instructions to bring some home if I find them!

Random Reflections said...

Poet - the monkey is now looking very happy.

Missfee - are PGTips black market north of the border. I have to admit I normally go for Tesco red label but I just could not resist the monkey. That kind of attitude will get me into trouble one of these days...

Torchlight - I'd heard about the Andrex puppies too. I think you have to collect a token and send off for them. My colleague is planning on doing this, so hopefully we will have one in the office soon.