Apologies for the lack of updates. I’ve been really busy and didn’t have time to write anything. So, what have I been up to?
Friday night was really great. My sister and I went to see QI being recorded on Friday night, which was very, very funny. It was great to see Stephen Fry, Alan Davies, Bill Bailey and others in person and it was really great to see how it all worked and was just a really good evening.
On Saturday I drove down to Southampton to stay with a friend and that was good. We went to the Maritime museum, which isn’t the most stunning exhibition but it was fairly interesting and we spent a bit of time chatting about the Titanic after seeing a bit about it there. I was really tired and when we got back to my friend’s house and I fell asleep on the sofa for a bit being the terribly sociable person that I obviously am. I managed to drag myself up off the sofa after a bit and we had dinner and then watched the Eurovision Song Contest, which was as dire as ever. That’s my excuse for falling asleep once again, which I hadn’t actually realised I had done until I saw them recap some of the songs at which point I realised that some of them were totally unfamiliar. I’m not sure this was a loss particularly though. I think the UK did the right thing in entering a song that was really a bit of a joke because we are never going to win because of the block voting and also because a lot of other countries seem to hate us, neither of which work in our favour...
I got back yesterday evening after a pleasant second day in Southampton and just caught up on a few bits, like my washing and I also phoned a couple of people.
The most disgusting point of the weekend was when I accidentally dropped some nail scissors down the toilet, which unfortunately had not been flushed. I managed to retrieve them (after flushing the loo first) but they will need to be boiled in some water for a bit before they are put back into use.
The most scary point of the weekend was when I was walking along the pavement in Southampton and I suddenly heard a bloke swear very loudly behind me and the next things I knew there was a bloke lying on the pavement next to me. He’d come off his bike and was looking somewhat stunned by it all and just said “that turned out better than it could have”. I had a chat with him to see if he was ok and he told me that he’d been cycling to the bike shop to get it fixed because there was a problem with the back wheel which meant that the back brake didn’t work. It was only as he went down the incline on the road I was walking along that he realised his front brake had also failed and he was faced with the strong possibility of hitting one of the cars waiting at the traffic lights, hitting me or going through the lights because he wasn’t able to stop – so he had to stop himself by just making himself come off his bike at high speed. He came out of it remarkably well and he had cut himself a bit and was rather shocked, but that was about it. A lucky chap.
Things continue to go well in terms of matters of the heart. I’m not sure I can really explain what is going on at the moment. In some ways it is kind of complicated and in others it is very simple. I’m also assuming you’ll be kind enough to let a girl be a bit coy about some things - but I’m just accepting it for what it is, which is something enjoyable and that is doing my ego an awful lot of good and it’s with someone who is lovely and very kind and who really matters to me. ‘Tis good.