Tuesday, May 01, 2007


It’s the 1st of May already. How did that happen?? This year is flying by and it will be Christmas again before we know it.

Anyway, I thought I’d give a brief summary of where things are at the moment in terms of relationships. Well, the simple answer is: not really anywhere different than previously but what I am trying to do at the moment is broaden my horizons a bit and widen the network of people that I know or socialise with in the hope that something might end up coming out of it. So this is what I have been trying to do of late and actually with some degree of success because there have been a couple of somewhat ego-boosting moments, which has to be a good thing.

I suppose the thing that I find disheartening though is the amount of effort you potentially have to put in to broaden said horizons. I’m a fairly sociable and friendly person, I don’t generally have difficulty making conversation or finding things to talk about but potentially regularly meeting new people can get a bit wearing. So I am hoping that somehow I can fast forward through the process and find out what is at the end of it. I hope it’s something good!

It’s funny because my friend K giving me a bit of a talking to recently really helped. She just basically said to me that I obviously wasn’t all that happy with how things were at the moment and that I therefore needed to do something about it and then kept asking me what it was that I was going to do to change things. I think that’s often the way I work, I have to reach a point where I hit rather a low and then that spurs me on to do something about it. So I am now in the “doing something about it” phase. We shall see how it goes.

On a completely different note, this website is interesting. It’s the Press Photographer of the Year site. Although as a slight warning some of the earlier photos might be a bit distressing for some people. (click on the 2007 slideshow link, I can't directly link to it though).

To lighten the mood there is this site. Some may also find this distressing, but some how I think you’ll cope.


Anonymous said...

Well, to broaden said horizons, you could always come visit me! As I haven't managed to make it up to your neck of the woods yet...

You'll get there. I'm sure you will. It took me a while, but I managed to do it - and I'm shy and not good socially..


The Mad Hatter said...

Loving the monkey site it cracked me up to no end ;-)

And dont fast forward to see how things pan out hun ... the bit in the middle can be just as much fun ... go with the flow and enjoy :-)

Kisses xXxXxXxXxXxXxXx

DAB said...

Random, little steps, you will get there in the end ....
I'm with Maddy on this one. I was feeling a bit crap today, so thanks for making me laugh with the monkey site...TF

Random Reflections said...

Lemonpillows - I'll get in touch to arrange!

Maddy - The monkey site is very funny.

Sometimes I like to know what is ahead of me but as that isn't possible, the journey had better be worth it...

TF - Glad it made you laugh. I hope you're feeling a bit better. Take care.