Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Past

I can’t believe Christmas is over already. Fortunately I am still off work for another week. This is probably a good thing, as I seem to have slept for over ten hours each of the last two nights.

Christmas was good. G and I went to my parents’ house and that was nice and we went back there on Boxing Day when my sister and her family were there. I got some nice presents and generally had a good time. I did discover a new weird thing about my father though. It seems that whenever he eats fruit he puts the peel down the toilet. Oranges, bananas that kind of thing. My mum has told him lots of times not to do it, but he has ignored her. They had to call out the water board to fix a blocked sewer that was filled with… orange and banana peel. I think my father may now be convinced that paying for the water board to come out and unlock sewers is probably not the best use of money and putting things in the bin would be better.

Another odd thing is that a couple of days ago I noticed that the empty property next door has had its back windows blacked out. I am surprised the owner (our incredibly lazy freeholder) could be bothered to do that, so I am now wondering if there might be people living there – not that I have seen anyone there. I will be keeping a cup to the wall to listen for noises.

G went to Scotland on Saturday and is back tomorrow, so I’ve been mooching about and not doing a lot (apart from sleeping) but might go and do some shopping this evening when the crowds have died down a bit.

Anyway, I hope you had a good Christmas.


DAB said...

Blackouts! Sounds very interesting go forth and investigate but take G with you just in case ;-) TFx

Random Reflections said...

TF - I know, very odd. I noticed when I got back from dropping G off at the airport, but will be enlisting G's help in the next day or so!

I hope you had a good Christmas.