Friday, December 12, 2008


I was on my way back from a walk yesterday lunch time when I saw this man standing in the road directing people around his van. As I got closer I realised he had hit a cyclist, who was sitting on his own at the side of the road. Just as I got to the cyclist he started to spew blood in large quantities from his mouth. I went over to see if I could help him, but just as I was asking him if I could help him, a paramedic arrived (without an ambulance or any form of transport somewhat oddly. I have no idea how he got there) and I left them to get on with it, seeing as I have no medical skills whatsoever and also am not great with blood.

I mentioned what had happened to a couple of my colleagues and one of them said that cyclists were so bad in London that he probably deserved to get hit. I said that I didn’t think any cyclist ever deserved to get hit by a vehicle and then decided it was probably best to change the subject. They then moved on to talking about how bad van drivers can be…

I was talking to G on the phone last night. We weren’t having an argument, but we were disagreeing about something (alcohol). Given that we had somewhat of a difference of opinion, it probably wasn’t the best time for my phone to run out of power, as G then thought I had hung up. I didn’t actually realise that the phone had switched off to begin with and assumed G was just thinking, and so had to phone back a few minutes later to explain what had actually happened. We agreed to differ on our topic of conversation and return to it at another point. Perhaps in person so that no-one could hang up.


Kahless said...

Disagreements from time to time are good.

Bleeding cyclists are bad.

Random Reflections said...

Kahless - so true, so true...