Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I made it back in one piece from the meeting I had to go to – I was giving yet another talk but it may well be one of the last ones that I have to give in my current job as I’m not sure I have any more lined up in the next few weeks.

For the last couple of days I have felt as though I have had jetlag, which I can only assume is because the clocks changed at the weekend. I don’t think that has ever happened before though and it does strike me as slightly pathetic to be so worn out from a mere one hour time change, particularly as it should have meant I got an extra hour of sleep.

Yesterday I felt really rough and when I got to the hotel I had a bath to have a bit of a relax and then went for dinner. I was chatting to some people and managed to sound vaguely coherent but after we had finished eating I went to bed because I felt so tired. I did try and watch “Without a Trace” but had to switch it off half way through because I couldn’t stay awake. When I woke up today I felt totally fine and I appear to have reacclimatised to GMT. Odd.

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