Last week seems a long time ago now, and whilst on the whole it was fine, there were a couple of things that didn’t go so well and were a bit of a kick in the teeth. At times I question my ability to have a normal relationship (in a friendship sense) with people. They say that 10 people may comment on something about you, nine of which may be highly complimentary and one of them negative – and that one negative comment is what will often stick with you the most and cause the self doubt.
I have quite a lot of friends, although the depth of the relationship is in varying degrees, but I guess the more people you know, the more opportunity there is to have some negative experiences, and last week was one of those times. Here and now is not the place to explain what happened, but instead I’ll comment on some things that happened one day last week that will seem really quite insignificant but made a big difference to me. One morning last week when I got into work I went to make a cup of tea and a woman who I don’t think I have even seen before, let alone know, just started chatting to me and brightened my mood. Then at lunch time I needed to go out and as I was in the lift, a chap who, again, I had never even seen before just struck up a conversation with me and was really friendly and we had a bit of a joke with each other. Then when I was out an old lady stopped me and asked me if I would help her cross the road. I just replied “Do I look like a scout?” and then walked off. Er… actually, rather less interestingly, I didn’t do that, instead I gave her my arm and we crossed the road when it was safe to do so and she just chatted to me briefly while we were doing that. Then on the way home that night, when I got on the tube a chap said to me that he was getting off at the next stop and gave me his seat (I am definitely not one of those people who gets offended by being offered a seat) and he was very friendly and even offered me his newspaper.
I think I just felt really encouraged that I obviously didn’t immediately come across as a totally unapproachable and unfriendly person. Even though all those people were total strangers who I will probably never see again, after I spoke to each person I just felt so grateful at how kind and friendly people can be and I actually felt really positive by the end of the day. From that one day, and from those four people, in a strange way I think I actually learned quite a lot and it just reminded me that, whatever happens, tomorrow is always another day.
very positive post. if we could only take that each day with us. i am carrying this one with me today in the hope that i might spread some goodness through the day myself. i believe that if you exude happiness, it will follow, if you are grumpy, taht too will engage you. have a good day.
Thanks. I agree but sometimes I need to remember that you can make a difference to someone else's life (whether in a good or bad way) through what may seem very insignificant things. I would like to think that the difference I make is most often positive but I think this needs work!
Hope you have a good day too and things pick up for you soon.
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