Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Making History

As a slight follow on from yesterday’s post, I was near Westminster station recently and a woman came up to me and said “Can you tell me where Westminster University is?” My brain quickly whirred and I replied that I didn’t think it was near Westminster station, but didn’t know where it was. I think I went into one of those guilt things where someone, unprompted, asks you a question and you feel really bad that you can’t answer it. I asked her what address she was looking for and she said she didn’t have an address and then she kind of looked at me as though I would suddenly be inspired and know where she was looking for. Then my brain started trying to work out how she could find the address and I suggested she went to a bookshop and looked up the address and told her where there was one and she just wandered off.

Later I looked up where the university was and none of it is near Westminster station, so I can only conclude that she didn’t bother to check the details of where the university was and, bizarrely, concluded that if she went to a station that shared the same name she would find it. I think she was going to an open day – I hope she wasn’t planning to study geography. Anyway, following her logic, where would she have gone if she was going to study at Imperial College or Robert Gordon University?? If we are relying on people like that woman, I do worry for our future.

Anyway, from the future to the past, or what will be the past but is in fact meant to be the present. Clear? Good. But perhaps I will explain anyway. Today is a day which is meant to be pretty insignificant, so has been chosen by the History Matters campaign to be the ideal day to give a snapshot of people’s lives. Basically, if you go to this site, you can fill out an account of your day and it will form an archive for future generations so that they can have an idea of what it was like to live right now. It can be a blow by blow account of your day, or you can just say what you’re thinking about today or what you’re wearing or pretty much anything. Basically it can be whatever you want it to be. Anyone can take part, you don’t have to be British or a particular age etc, if you want to make a bit of a mark in history, whoever you are, then here’s your chance.


Syber_Sadie said...

Based upon the students I've met recently, the woman you met looking for Westminster University is definitely a good example of many students today. Oh well if she can't find the place maybe she won't bother going!


Random Reflections said...

I used to work in universities and began to despair of some of the students - at which point I decided it was a good point for me to move on!

Aren't you only meant to stop turning up to university when you've paid the student loan cheque into your account?!

Syber_Sadie said...

These days the loan monies get paid into the student's bank account direct - I think all they need to is enrol, and that can in many cases be done online. Attendance doesn't even come into the question!

Random Reflections said...

I am so behind the times... Who needs to turn up to university when you can buy a degree on the internet anyway.

*note to self* Must check doctor's credentials...