Friday, February 23, 2007

Calm returns

I have returned to calm and serenity after yesterday’s rant. I haven’t quite decided what book to read next, it may take a while to get over my recent trauma. Give me time.

I was slightly concerned to see this photo in the paper yesterday:

The article was about how this chap had managed to develop such a relationship with the bird that he could hand feed it and then he said “he will take a worm from my mouth anywhere in the garden.” How exactly would you find that out? There are also so many things that could go wrong with this scenario. If he inhaled at the wrong moment it might be rather a shock for both him and the bird. If the man sneezed, the bird could potentially go supersonic.

Yesterday I opened the door and let someone into the place where I work. Technically, we do actually work together but just in totally different buildings. Anyway, we had actually never met each other before and we had a bit of a chat and introduced ourselves to each other and explained what each of us did and exchanged some banter for a couple of minutes (for no reason because all I had done was open a door) and I then wandered off to do whatever it was I had been on my way to do. But I did think “hmm there’s something about you that I kind of like” (and I do mean in that special way…), which is just one of the most unlikely things that I would ever think. I never normally think that about people I’ve known for a while, let alone someone that is basically a stranger. I do actually take some comfort though in the fact that I am possibly not entirely dead in terms of fancying someone (and also a bit more shallow than I thought!). The chances of me sounding out if this could go somewhere are pretty low as we work in different buildings several minutes apart and it would take some engineering (for that read ‘stalking’) in order for our paths to cross, but anyway it was pleasant to feel a brief bit of hope that I might be able to dust off my emotions at some point. *grins*

Oh and the chap who I work with who likes me (but *not* in that special way) came over yesterday afternoon and gave me a chocolate. He did bring it over in his hand so I hope he washed his hands first, but I said thank you and ate it anyway. I never turn down free food, seemingly even when it might be covered in sweat or other bodily substances. Nice.


saesnes said...

Ooh how exciting! (I don't mean the bird man or the sweaty chocolate, obviously).

Anonymous said...

Separate buildings a few minutes away- and you see this as an obstacle...
Random, I despair of you 'take the bulls by the horns' and get your walking legs girl...

Random Reflections said...

Saesnes - well we'll see how exciting it turns out to be, but it was nice to kind of click with someone like that.

TF - Hmm I see what you mean... But I have no reason to go to that building at all and would basically have to be stalkerish to go over there. Still I might keep my ear to the ground and see if I can find an excuse to go over. Don't entirely despair of me just yet!

Anonymous said...

A) I'm glad you took the chocolate. I don't think there is a single situation in which it is acceptable to pass up anything that is made of cocoa beans.

B) My first thought with respect to the bird man was about the worm in his mouth. What could possibly drive someone to put a worm in their mouth. The prospect of a bird eating it does not seem like a strong enough reason. That could just be me though.

C) Here's a tip on how to get over to that other building: claim a temporary bout with amnesia. Perhaps you hit your head while saving a small child? In that case, it would be perfectly acceptable to forget in which of the buildings you work.

Random Reflections said...

Logan - I agree there is never a good reason to turn down chocolate.

Yes, why would you have a worm in your mouth. I don't know if the worm was dead or alive, but neither is a pleasant prospect.

What a brilliant solution to find an excuse to go over to that building! I particuarly like the detail of saving a small child, it tugs on the heart strings and therefore increases my likelihood of success.

Next I will see if you can come up with suggestiosn on how I could rob a bank and get away with it.