Thursday, June 28, 2007

All change

Yesterday was one of *those* days. I got up and went into work at which point I realised that I didn’t have my glasses with me. I can’t read for more than a minute or two without getting a headache. This was not a good start to the day. My boss leant me some glasses temporarily but I had to go out and get some off the shelf type ones which were a bit stronger, but didn’t really match my prescription. By the end of the day I felt decidedly worn out and so left work slightly early.

I had a fairly quiet evening and has just phoned G and, as I was about to utter my first word, all the power went off where I live. Lights, TV, computer, everything… After a couple of minutes I went and spoke to my neighbour and he had the same problems. So then I phoned my electricity company and they confirmed that there was indeed a problem. I only had a small amount of power – mainly meaning very dim lights and not enough power to get anything to work properly. However after a while the lights got a bit brighter and that continued as the evening went on until all the power was restored. Then it was just a matter of reprogramming everything.

I spoke to G after I’d spoken to the electricity people and we had a bit of a catch up, although I think this was actually about the third time we’d spoken that evening. We don’t normally talk on the phone so often, but for some reason last night we did. By the end of that last conversation I actually felt a bit sad because G had said something to me that had bothered me and just made me think about some stuff. I think maybe I am just feeling a bit subdued at the moment anyway.

Anyway… in case you hadn’t noticed, Blair has finally gone. I think, regardless of my politics, it is a good thing that he has gone. I say that simply because in politics change, in some shape or form, has to enhance things because it increases accountability. Having a party in power for so long, particularly with the same leader throughout, is not good for making sure that the best and right decisions are made. So, do I think that Brown is a good replacement? Not really – not even elected by his own party, let alone anyone else, and seemingly the Prime Minister based on some deal cooked up in a restaurant in Islington over a decade ago. That doesn’t sound entirely the best way to form a government to me – and there’s something about him that I don’t entirely trust. Still, time will tell.


DAB said...

I hope today has turned out better for you. Keep smilimg TFX

Random Reflections said...

TF - thanks. I'm still feeling a bit subdued but I suspect it is mainly due to "women's things" and feeling the need to build an Ark... All will be well.