Friday, June 15, 2007

Late starts

A late start today, as I am off work. It’s my mum’s birthday tomorrow so my sister and I are meeting up with mum later and going out for lunch and to a photographic exhibition.

Last night I was trying to be industrious again and went out to sort some furniture and bought a desk and dining table. I can collect them on Saturday. Yay! I haven’t bought the dining chairs yet though and they’re not in stock at the moment so I’m not quite there yet. This morning I am going out for a browse for a dishwasher, which my mum has kindly said that she will pay for. I’m getting where I live sorted slowly but surely.

G is staying this weekend, which made me think back to last weekend. When G was here last week I felt a bit irritable at a couple of points (with myself rather than directed at G. It was mainly due to being hungry. I really need to be regularly fed) and on the Saturday evening I went a bit quiet because there was that nagging voice in my head making me question whether I really was this totally unreasonable person that my friend had accused me of being last year - and wondering what G would do if it turned out to be true. So I just withdrew a little because I felt a bit vulnerable I suppose. G was tired and went to bed earlier than me and a while later I went and lay down next to G and we didn't really speak beyond a tiny bit of small talk. After a bit G asked me what was going on inside my head and to begin with I didn't know quite what to say but then after a few minutes we talked about it and G listened and was just very kind and everything felt ok again after that. It's such a nice position to be in, that you can just be yourself and admit that sometimes you're a bit rubbish and that is alright.

Anyway, last night I went to Tesco and while I was there I bought some Lurpak. One of the things that G and I differ on is our taste in products to spread on toast. I use Diet Flora, G hates this with a passion and likes Lurpak. I had a small bit or Lurpak but as it was running out had to buy some more so I was talking to G about it – do I get the 250g, 500g or 1kg pack. We decided that 250g would suggest that we’re expecting things to be short lived between us and 1kg would seem like a big commitment so 500g it is. It shows a certain expectation but is not too presumptuous. It’s all about compromise.

1 comment:

DAB said...

I bet you're glad they didn't have a 2 for 1 offer on then ? Enjoy your weekend!