Wednesday, October 18, 2006

That's almost an armful

Last week I realised that I have to get on with arranging the various vaccinations to go to The Gambia, hence my unsuccessful call to NHS Direct. I went to my doctor’s and filled out the form and phoned back a couple of days later to see what I needed done. When the receptionist looked at the form and then prefaced her advice with “Ooh, I knew it would be a lot and I was right. It’s not only an armful but a legful too”, I wasn’t feeling too positive. Then she ran through the list – hepatitis A, typhoid, yellow fever, diphtheria, malaria, tetanus and polio. *gulp* As someone who is not keen on going to the doctor’s anyway, to be presented with this long list, knowing that a number of them would involve injections, was not joy to my ears. So somewhat reluctantly I made an appointment for last night.

It was certainly an armful, although fortunately some of the injections were combined, so I didn’t end up like a pin cushion. The nurse was also able to do all the injections in one session so I don’t have to go back and endure yet more. I might suffer flu like symptoms today and I still have to pay out a fortune for a private prescription to get the anti-malarials, so there could still be (financial) pain to come. Better than dying of some awful (and preventable) disease though.

On other matters, yesterday at work someone I work with was lamenting her now complicated love life and said “men are like buses” and the chap I sat next to piped up “You mean you have to pay £1.50 before you can get on?” [insert own joke about Oyster cards here]


Anonymous said...

At least you can sit down, you could of had them in your butt !

Random Reflections said...

I was a bit nervous when I got there as I didn't know where the nurse planned to stick the needle. I was very relieved when she asked me to roll up my sleeve!

Anonymous said...

As they say, no pain, no gain!

However, hope you don't get any flu like symptoms

Random Reflections said...

Fortunately, I don't seem to have any symptoms. Maybe I am so full of evil bacteria that I can't tell when I have things like yellow fever added to the mix!

Anonymous said...

You could always get NHS Direct to give you their opinion.....


maybe not such a wise suggestion, based on your previous encounter with them.

Random Reflections said...

Yes, I can't imagine I will be seeking any advice from NHS Direct in the near future, even if I was dying. I'd probably be dead before they got through their list of questions.