Thursday, September 13, 2007


Yesterday’s work away day was very good and the people who organised it had obviously put in a lot of effort. We basically had to follow clues that took us all across London and then make it to a particular place for lunch. The team I was in were doing really well and managed to workout the answers to the clues pretty easily. However, on the last clue we just totally messed it up and so lost our lead. Still, it’s the taking part that counts…

It meant that I got home nice and early though and so I finished stripping the door and put on some primer. I was hoping to be able to paint the door tonight but the primer is not as even as I would have hoped so I think I will even it up tonight instead. Having gone to all this effort, it seems worth trying to get the base even before painting on it. It means I won’t be able to paint the door until Saturday though as I am out on Friday night. There is a part of me that is really nervous about trying to paint the door again, as it turned out so badly the first time that I think it might happen again, but unless I intend to just leave it with primer on forever, I haven’t got much choice. So Saturday morning I will try and give it a go… Of course I had to shut the door last night before it was totally dry so there is every chance that I am now trapped inside forever and can just avoid the issue altogether.

My broadband also failed again last night and so I had to phone my ISP and ask them to fix it for me again. Whilst, once again, they were very quick and efficient at fixing it, I am not actually very impressed that for the second time in a week my connection has failed. Hopefully this is not going to be a recurring problem…


DAB said...

Don't start me on internet problems..... Go for it, shut your eyes and paint the door TFx

Random Reflections said...

TF - I saw you took three days to get your internet problems fixed. Mine pales into significance by comparison...

Saturday is door painting day *gulp*