Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The truth hurts

So, it’s a tube strike day. Woo hoo and also Grrr…. Yesterday I left work early so that I managed to get one of the last trains home. The chap at the station kept announcing that the train service was “dying out”, which sounded a bit more fatal than he perhaps had meant it to, but we’ll see if it does end up being revived by the end of the week. So leaving work early was good - and I think we can safely say that I will be in work late today, which I don’t mind as it means less time at work. However, it also means potentially much longer journeys. But it also means tube refunds – and potentially three days worth, so six journeys, which is a lot of money back. Hooray!

Things like this do appeal to my geeky side though. I *hangs head in shame* e-mailed the BBC yesterday because I thought they should clarify exactly which tube liens would be on strike. They were listing three lines as not running, when Transport for London were listing about nine or ten. I sent the BBC the link to the relevant page on TfL’s website. They amended the story. I am a geek. I sent a confessional e-mail to G admitting this. G e-mailed me back and confirmed that I am a complete geek.

I then spent some time last night working out with routes into work that involve using national rail. I came up with two routes that I hadn’t even considered but might just do the trick (unless the trains are totally packed). I noted the train departure times down for the journey to work and home again, so that I could choose the best route both to work and home again (which as it turned out are actually totally different routes *tries not to sound too excited at having worked this out*). I am a geek. Again.

Because I got home from work early I had more spare time in the evening than normal. So I went to B&Q to try and find a basin waste to try and fix something that is broken in my bathroom. B&Q is useless. I went to Homebase. Homebase was closed. Homebase is useless. I had a whole evening ahead of me. I went to a DIY shop. I am a geek.


Spudgy said...

Maybe not geeky just maybe a bit too much time on yer hands! If it helps the buses are still running (and yes I am an avid fan of the big red things).....:-)

Anonymous said...

But being geeky is SO much fun! It's the best fun in the world. I get really geeky about 's apostrophes'. And people sending 16mb emails. And bad spelling on big signs.

Geekdom is fun! How was your non-tube adventure?

Random Reflections said...

Spudgy - I find it hard to argue with your point. Humph!

Lemonpillows - Yay for being a geek about all those things! My non-tube journey was loooooooooooong and tiring and will need to repeated again for the next couple of days *sigh*