Hmm... not sure what is going on with Blogger at the moment. All of its own accord it reverted yesterday's post back to a draft and promptly removed it from my blog. Are the Blogging police introducing censorship? Anyway I have republished it and we'll see what happens.
House viewings went ok. More on that tomorrow though, as the roast chicken is calling. Not literally of course, as I do like my Sunday lunch to be well and truly dead.
I had a moment where I thought someone might have flagged me as having unsuitable content, having called graphic designers "wankers" in my post. (Then I thought "- but they are wankers... Who could object?" and have gone back to my original hypothesis: Blogger was buggered.)
I suspect the use of such words is rather tame compared to a lot of what is out there - and who could criticise you for merely stating the truth.
I bet they'll regret their "design" if lots of people don't buy the book because they think it is bashed up.
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