Friday, February 24, 2006


I’m glad it’s Friday. It’s been a busy week and I need the weekend to finally catch up on some sleep. Not least because I went to a quiz at work last night (at which we did well thanks to my friend K’s bizarre and broad knowledge, but didn’t win) and I got home about midnight. Well past my bedtime.

Of course, it has also been a somewhat depressing week, what with the loss of Gripes (or her blog to be more precise). For which there should really be a national day of mourning – or at least people should sit down with a decent cup of tea and a slice of cake. Whilst there is more to life than blogging (apparently) it’s always a shame when we suffer major casualties. Fuzzy also seems to have disappeared into the ether. It might just be a technical glitch but it looks more terminal. Let’s hope it is only a glitch, as the loss of two great bloggers in the same week would be a crying shame. *sigh*

Anyway… earlier this week we finally wrote to the people we interviewed recently to offer them the jobs we had advertised. One of them accepted, then declined, then my boss spoke to her again and thought he had persuaded her, and then she declined. Then my boss spoke to her again and she accepted. She had also been offered another job but I think she is now joining us...

My boss said “This has never happened to me before. I have never had anyone turn me down for a job”. So it was his mission to keep up his track record. He is a nice enough chap but I suspect came across as either desperate or slightly obsessive. She’ll probably sue us for harassment!

Taking of being obsessive reminds me of my Head of Unit. I have been preparing a briefing pack for a meeting taking place next week. It is a complete waste of my time to do it and I even have to write her response to each of the speakers because she is obviously unable to do spontaneous. I am actually one of the speakers, which she seemed to think I would be terribly honoured to do. It seems that part of that honour includes preparing the briefing pack and sorting out all the admin, which doesn’t sound like the best deal to me. Oh and having to be in work at about 7.30am on Tuesday. I'm truly, truly honoured I tell you...

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