I always feel they are a bit too unpredictable, that no matter how much they are hyped they can wander out on the pitch on the day and play a match that is toe-curlingly painful and often seem to end up in a penalty shoot-out that is nerve-racking beyond measure and if I want to know the result, I can just wait until the match is over and look it up on teletext instead (that’s not really the spirit is it?).
I’m not one of those people who bemoans England’s sporting abilities and goes off on a rant about how terrible the English are at sport every time we get knocked out of a sporting competition - be it football, tennis, cricket, rugby. It just doesn’t interest me enough really.
But there are certain advantages to England playing in the World Cup the main one being that about half an hour before kick off most people start to settle down in front of the TV to watch the match s everywhere goes quiet. This is therefore the perfect time to go out and do all sorts of things that are normally over-run people. You can have a speedy trip around the supermarket, drive about without getting stuck in queues and a hush falls over places that are normally chaotic on a Saturday afternoon. So from that point of view I am a big supporter of the England football team and am looking forward to a couple of hours of peace and quiet this afternoon.
Anyway, I’m off to look at a couple of houses in a bit and then my sister is leaving my nephew with me to look after as she is going to a wedding. She phoned this morning to ask if I could look after him as my parents were meant to be looking after him but apparently they are ill. My sister e-mailed me a photo of him yesterday and he looked so cute that she is going to give me a printed copy of it too.
My landlady said to me yesterday that someone is coming round to look at the house this morning and did her usual “can you make sure your room is tidy?” which gets a bit grating in the end. I’m reading We Need to Talk About Kevin
You were right to go shopping !
How did the viewings go ?
I saw the end of the England match and didn't feel I had missed out.
I'll write a bit more about the viewings tomorrow, but if nothing else they kind of inspired me that I might actually be able to face the challenge of finding somewhere to buy, so I count it as a success regardless.
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