Sunday, June 18, 2006

Some progress. I think...

I’ve had a good weekend so far, I went house hunting yesterday and saw four places. They were quite mixed but really gave me a feel for what I want. I did almost have to put in an offer for one of the places just because the friend who went with me trod on the cat of one of the owner’s. But fortunately the woman, and slightly less so the cat, was forgiving. But... I think, maybe, I have found somewhere that I might want to buy. It’s a ground floor maisonette and as I walked round I felt myself thinking that I could live there. The problem with it is that it has a really small kitchen and I don’t see a way to fit a freezer in there and the way it is set up at the moment the fridge is positioned kind of oddly and makes the kitchen look even smaller than it actually is (it’s 7’ by 7’2”). But there’s a recess in the kitchen where the washing machine is currently and I am wondering with a bit of building work if it might be possible to come up with something much more workable. I spent a while talking to my landlady yesterday afternoon and she took me to MFI to look at various options of what can be done to maximise space in a kitchen and then when we got back she got out some graph paper and was trying to plot the kitchen to see what ideas she could come up with.

Anyway, the plan is to talk to the estate agent on Monday and say that I am kind of interested but have serious reservations about the kitchen. I’ll then probably try and arrange another viewing and take my landlady along who hopefully will come up with a magic solution to the kitchen problem. The place has actually got lots of plus points – a nice living room, two decent sized bedrooms, a nice garden, its own drive, big hallway, a good location, peaceful etc. The bathroom was fine but could do with a repaint and a general brightening up, but that is nothing too significant. So I’m feeling kind of hopeful about this one and am just hoping that no-one puts in an offer before I have a chance to work out if it is viable.

I went out for dinner yesterday evening to celebrate a friend’s birthday and that was really nice and a few of us just sat there and chatted and enjoyed ourselves. I seem to have eaten out for every meal over the weekend except breakfast. The trend continues today because I am meant to be going over to my sister’s for a barbecue today. The barbecue is because it was my mum’s birthday a couple of days ago but, unfortunately, it also coincides with Father’s Day. I haven’t given my father even a card in years. It just seems very hypocritical and meaningless to give him a card, so I don’t bother but it normally isn’t highlighted particularly, as we don’t see each other on the day. This year I wonder if I might get a bit of a lecture from my sister about not giving him a card, but we shall see. Some time I’ll try and explain why I don’t get on with my father. It’s not a particularly exciting tale and as the years have gone I seem to have become more immune to him, but I’ll write something about it another time. Anyway, I shall go and prepare myself for a day of family fun...


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed .... we are making progress. Have a look at (part of B&Q) bottom of page DIY Tools and Services click on Kitchen Planner. Once you get your head around the measurement bit (of course someone with your wit and intelligence will have no problem) the package is good for kitchen designs but with maybe too many options ......

Random Reflections said...

I’m surprised that I found somewhere I like quite so quickly, but I just wandered round the place thinking “I could live here” which is a very good sign! That site looks useful. I shall apply my brain to it soon. I’m hoping not to have to replace the whole kitchen but to find a better way to use what is there – and that site should help. So, thanks.

Now I just need to see the place again, decide whether to make an offer, if so how much for and then make offers in such a way so that I pay as far below the asking price as possible. All the time hoping no-one else puts in an offer that gets accepted. It’s all so simple!

*wanders off to put wet flannel on forehead*