Thursday, June 15, 2006


I wonder how suited I am to this house buying thing. A couple of places I wanted to go and view have already gone under offer. I don’t think my risk averse attitude suits me to the cut-throat business of buying property. Well, maybe not cut-throat business exactly but business that is faster than the snail pace that I would normally like to operate at when spending tens of thousands of pounds. I guess I’m going to have to get used to moving more swiftly in this process. It seems that a couple of places I wanted to see have been withdrawn from the market as well, so the number of places I am going to get to see seem to be getting less and less, although an estate agent is sending a whole load of stuff out to me in the post which I should get today so that might inspire me. I shall potter on at my own pace for now though.

Talking of things that are being done at someone’s own pace reminds me that in April we advertised a job that needs to be filled urgently and the closing date was the beginning of May. I changed bosses during that time and despite us now being half way through June, he has not even asked for the files to look at who has applied. He keeps saying he will do it and then something else comes up and he doesn’t get round to it. So one of my colleagues has the embarrassing job of fending off calls from people who are wondering what is going on. How we can expect anyone actually to want the job if we haven’t even had the courtesy to read their application form yet – or even acknowledge that we have got it – astounds me. I think my boss is on leave next week as well, so that will be yet another week where nothing is done about it. What a way to run an organisation.

On the way home last night I decided to wait for the bus. This turned out to be a bad decision as I was still waiting for it 20 minutes later and I could have walked home in that time. Anyway, just as the bus arrived two teenage lads on bikes cycled at speed across the road and the second one clipped his bike off a traffic island and made a very painful collision with the road.

He looked really upset which I think was a combination of pain and shock. His friend had cycled on so I went and picked him up off the road and helped him to the side of the road. Despite there being loads of people at the bus stop only one other person came over and he helped me get the boy up off the road and then picked up the bike. The boy’s friend then reappeared, as he had realised what had happened by then, and they both just kind of disappeared off. So I hopped on the bus and went home. He was definitely someone who should have been doing things as his own pace. Poor lad.


Anonymous said...

Keep lookig, the right place will come up eventually. Have you considered buying a place outside London? A property developer friend reckons Redhill is the place to buy, great links to London
via Victoria. Not sure how prices compare to that of London though.

Come on England ! Lets hope we win

Anonymous said...

Bleh. House-buying is a painful process, but well worth it in the end, so chin up.

Random Reflections said...

Anon - *thinks* perhaps it's really rude to abbreviate your name... Anyway, I have thought about moving further afield but then would have to start again in a lot of ways by getting to know new people etc, so I'm trying to bite the bullet and pay London prices because at least I know it.

I do actually know Redhill vaguely because a friend used to live there. I'm going to kick myself in years to come for not following your advice and buying in an area that makes it big though aren't I?!

England certainly did it at their own pace tonight. Still, they got a decent result in the end.

Whinger - welcome! I think my chin may get a bit low on occasion, particularly when it drops in horror at the cost of buying property - plus all the solicitors fees and other things that you have to pay to become a homeowner. Still, hopefully it will be worth it.

Anonymous said...

Ok. Ok, I've changed my name by deed poll, (you may regret this, more letters for you to type). London or Redhill, me thinks London wins hands down. What happened to the robotic dance ?

Random Reflections said...

Well, welcome under your new found identity.

London certainly has its advantages but one day I may go further afield.

I think Peter Crouch said he wasn't going to do his robotic dance again until they won the World Cup - or something like that - so perhaps we still have that pleasure to come.