Monday, December 18, 2006


I managed to get pretty much all of the stuff moved from my parents’ house. When I say that I mean the stuff that I want to move rather than all the stuff my mum has in mind for me to move to my new place. I went round there for lunch and then mum came and helped me put a couple of chairs together. It was a bit like the Krypton Factor, we each had identical items and had to build a chair with no instructions. I actually won but did have the slight advantage of having put the chairs together before, but that’s not the point!

I discovered that mum had managed to throw out all my cutlery and some of my other kitchen stuff, so that is yet more that I will have to buy, although I think mum will actually help with quite a few things (including a washing machine and so on!). She’s lent me some cutlery in the interim, so I can at least eat.

While we were round at my new place one of the neighbours came round to say hello. She seemed really nice and said to just ask her if I needed help with anything. I also spoke briefly with one of the other neighbours, who seemed nice as well. So that was all quite encouraging and I said to the first woman that I would speak to her soon because apparently the freeholder has been refusing to extend the lease on her property until I had moved in and wanted to extend mine. I am slightly dubious about the freeholder.

Last night I went and collected a chest of drawers from a friends garage, there are various other things that I am going back with another friend tonight to collect. There were some *huge* *huge* *huge* spiders in the garage and even my friend’s husband was totally freaked out by them. My bed is in their garage and I threatened to never reclaim it due to it probably being infested. My friend said that I would be fine as long as had a hoover to hand, at which point I explained that I don’t actually own a hoover at the moment – so they are now going to lend me their spare one so that I can arm myself against any predators.

When I got home my landlady had a left a list of detailed instructions of all the things she wanted me to do before I moved out. Charming. About 11pm I noticed how cold I felt and I went and checked the heating and she had totally changed the setting so it was only on for an hour in the morning and evening. I don’t know why I am surprised by these things anymore. Anyway, it’s only a matter of days to go until it is merely my own heating that I will have to worry about. I may have picked up some of my landlady’s traits though, the water is metered where I am moving to and so I have decreed that the toilet can only be flushed once a week. There will be formal notices stating what day that is, so should you happen to drop in and need to go to the toilet then please bear that in mind.

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