Monday, September 25, 2006

To Russia, with some mild affection

It turned out to be a fairly quiet weekend, but given how tired I was after last week that probably wasn’t a bad thing. I did drop over to my parents’ house yesterday but they weren’t in, so instead I just sorted some stuff out at home and finally did a tiny bit of packing. I did also come quite close to electrocuting myself (about three times) which is just another example of the weird state of things in the place where I live.

Today I need to speak to my solicitors and the estate agent to try and sort some things out before I go away because the lease issue on the property seems never likely to come to an end at this point. I will also try and work out how to route my personal mobile through to my work mobile so that hopefully I don’t have to carry both of them about with me while I am away.

I dread to think what my landlady will do to my room while I am away. I’ll probably come back and find my room has been fumigated and floral patterns will be abounding on every fabric in sight. Still, I will return to the final countdown before she moves away. She still hasn’t found anyone who wants to buy the house, so she is likely to be in a decided panic when I get back if that is still the case. Before she went on holiday she told someone that was looking at the house that if necessary I would move back in with my parents if she sold the house before I was ready to move into my own place. This was certainly news to me – and my parents for that matter.

Anyway in about 24 hours time I will be on my way to Russia. I’m really looking forward to it and it will be good to have a break from the office. I’m back late next Monday night and don’t imagine I will be blogging in the interim, but will of course have *lots* of exciting tales to tell you when I get back. Well, maybe. The picture above is from here and with thanks to a certain cynical fellow blogger for pointing me to the site. Anyway, enjoy yourselves while I am eating caviar and drinking vodka (yuck) and trying not to freeze without my hat and gloves. Somehow I think I’ll survive.


Anonymous said...

No defecting journey

Random Reflections said...

I'll probably come back. We'll have to see what they're willing to give me in return. It might be an offer I just can't refuse...

Rachel said...

I hope that you enjoy your trip, I have always wanted to visit Russia.