Tuesday, March 28, 2006

First Aid

It was really nice to walk home from the station last night in daylight. I’d forgotten how much I like daylight and it feels as though winter might finally be on the way out.

On the way into work yesterday, when I went to change from one train to another, a woman was crouched down in front of a pillar on the platform with her head resting against it and she had been sick. I went over and asked if she needed any help. She was looking very rough and said she just wanted something to stop her mouth tasting really awful. So I dug out a throat sweet, as that was about all I had on me, but then realised I had some apples with me and offered her one of those. So that means yesterday I spoke to someone who had been sick - and wasn’t actually ill myself - and gave away some of my food. Unheard of!

I was also very shocked to learn that Blue Peter Badges are becoming a big seller on e-bay. All those children who earned their badges by white water rafting or saving an entire rainforest now discover that they could have just logged on to e-bay with their parents’ credit card and just bought one. Think of all those people who will be gaining free entry to stately homes by producing their badge which they should have got by carrying out acts of daring and bravery. This is bringing a great British institution into disrepute and must be stopped.

Oh and excitingly, there are some developments in the blogging world. We have the return of Fuzzy, who it now seems has moved on to the Elvis Years. If I recall correctly Fuzzy lost a lot of weight last year, so I’m hoping that it’s not the years when Elvis was eating a lot of junk food. Anyway, it’s good to have her back and the blogging world breathes a sigh of relief. We also have the welcome addition of Letters from a Norfolk Broad, which you may also wish to take a look at. I will update my links at some point in the not too distant future. Honest.


Anonymous said...

Going home during daylight hours makes *such* a difference. I even went for a walk after getting to my 'home' train station.

And good on you for being Good Samaritan. I bet the poor woman was in shock that someone actually talked to her! Take 10 Brownie points :)

Anonymous said...


Random Reflections said...

Pleasure. Nice to have you back.