Thursday, March 30, 2006

Totally reasonable

Yesterday I had one of those days at work where you just don’t seem to have time to stop and think. I had to give a talk yesterday morning, which went fine. Except that what should have been a twenty minute talk lasted about 45 minutes because they kept stopping me to ask questions. I then had to leave before that meeting was over to have a meeting with someone else. I finally got back to my desk in time to eat a sandwich before having to speak to my head of unit to prepare for a meeting in the afternoon. I then went and gave another talk and finally walked back into my office only to be asked to go to a “quick meeting” that ended up lasting about an hour. I hardly got anything else done of use, am in a meeting pretty much all day today and am on leave as of the end of this week. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh *Focus on being on leave. Focus on being on leave*

So, Blue Peter has suspended free access to various attractions due to the shocking trade in their badges going on at e-bay. Do you see what happens when people abuse the system? It’s like one child being naughty in class and everyone getting a detention. As the programme’s editor said this is a “cynical trade” and I think if a stop isn’t put to it the people involved in this will be trading ivory and endangered species before we know it.

I am feeling a bit irritable at the moment, mainly due to that thing called PMT. I am generally fairly emotionally stable and reasonable but occasionally I may become slightly irrational. I met up with a friend for coffee on the way home from work yesterday and while we were talking I apologised for being a bit irritable. She told me that she’d read an article about how some drug has been developed that is meant to get rid of PMT. I asked her a couple of questions about it but she replied “Oh, I didn’t pay much attention to it because I don’t get PMT”. I don’t know how I didn’t know this, as we shared a house at university. Anyway, I stabbed her to death. Perfectly reasonable response to extreme provocation there I think, so I reckon I’ll get off.


Anonymous said...


Oh, and it was a pill, as in "the pill" - and so far the claims are untested and will probably be available in five years time.

I swear by Evening Primrose Oil and extra B-vitamins, myself. (Well, that or knock seven shades of shite with a clawhammer out of strangers who dare look at me funny. Then cry, obviously...)

Random Reflections said...

Five years! Five Years!

That's like taunting someone dying of thirst with a glass of ice cold water.

Where's the nearest clawhammer?