There was no fixing of hot water tanks yesterday. I phoned the plumber when he was 45 minutes late to see if he was still on his way and he had totally forgotten. I actually hate phoning people in circumstances like that because for some reason I always feel as though somehow *I* am the one in the wrong. Anyway, he was very apologetic and is now coming to do the work on Thursday, which is a bit of a pain because my neighbour won’t be about and so he won’t be able to talk to her about doing some work in her flat. Maybe he is just looking for an excuse to see me as often as possible and trying to put off our inevitable parting.
I’ve been trying to sort out various things with my blog, as I know a couple of things have broken since I moved across onto the new blogger. I have also done some things like sort the posts by categories, but due to the current setup of blogger it is really difficult to label some of the posts (I can’t be bothered to explain why here, so you’ll just have to trust me that it is). I’m not actually re-reading my old posts, just sort of skimming them and adding labels but it is quite a time consuming process anyway. I think I will probably re-label some of them and add a few more categories at some point. Some posts also have multiple labels so are repeated in various of the categories. It is all very much a work in progress, but I thought I would add it now anyway. I am still pondering changing the template, I still think it is too dark but haven’t found a template that I want to change to. I might tinker with the html instead and adjust it like that. That is how exciting my life is at the moment.
When my friend was over at the weekend, we were bemoaning our current dearth of relationships. She thinks that people only tend to end up liking her if they are forced to sit next to her for a long period of time - so at neighbouring desks at work etc. But as work has not been a big feature in her life for a while, she reckons someone will next be interested in her when she gets put in an old folks home and that person will be someone so infirm that they can’t get out of the chair to run away. I did say that it was good that she did still hold out hope that she would meet someone, even if it was about thirty years away. As for me, well I may well be beyond hope altogether. It feels like it has been so long since I have even kissed someone (let alone done anything else, although yesterday I was trying to convince my colleagues that the plumber coming over last night was going to be like something out of a 1970‘s porn film) that I wonder if in the end you actually forget what to, er… do. Please don’t try and reassure me by telling me it’s just like riding a bike and it all comes back naturally with a bit pf practice, as I can’t actually ride a bike. *shakes head despairingly* You see… there’s no hope for me at all…
ha ha, just like riding a bike eh??? Thank god it's not, because while I can ride a bike, I do it very badly and sweatily... actually probably is the same...
Love disparing over relationship issues with a good friend, especially an amusingly melodramtic one :-)
Well, as long as you don't fall off a lot, it could be worse.
I think my friend would say she is being realistic, but as she has a rather better track record than me, I hope she is not on the shelf for a long time (That's a terrible expression, isn't it? She's not a book)
Random, you could always invest in a tandem or motorised bicycle! ;-)
TF - Hmm, are you suggesting that I need assistance to keep up? *raises an eyebrow*
Random, the thought never crossed my mind !;-).... *smirky smile*
That's what I thought... *peers suspiciously*
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