Saturday, January 20, 2007


A couple of days ago I read a post over at the Overnight Editor, which I just had to nod my head at a lot. Oh how true it is that the media’s use of the inverted comma seems to be used by them as a get out of jail free card to print whatever they want and absolve them of all responsibility for anything they may say. You only have to read The Metro (why do I keep mentioning that newspaper at the moment?) and you’ll see a paper that has perfected the art of the inverted comma. I had actually meant to comment on it myself a while ago, but Overnight Editor said it better than I would have. Allegedly.

I want to get my hair cut soon, but the chap who normally cuts my hair phoned and left me a message to say that he is giving up cutting people’s hair. So this means that I will now have to go elsewhere to get my hair cut. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! He has cut my hair for over 20 years and I am now going to have to find someone else who is as amenable as he was and understood that when I said I didn’t want my hair blow dried that I actually, didn’t want my hair blow dried (the clue was there). Anyway, I’ll have to be brave soon and find a new hairdresser.

On Thursday night I went for dinner at the house of my old housemate (who I lived with up until just over a year ago) and that all went well. We haven’t really spoken to each other all that much since we stopped living together and so it was good to see where she lives and have a bit of a catch up. My friend also remembered to run up for lunch yesterday and that was good too. Now a friend is staying for the weekend which is a nice bit of company.

Anyway, here are a couple of links you might be interested in. First is Angry Alien which I think is very funny and is basically cartoon rabbits re-enacting films in 30 seconds. The latest one is Borat and James Bond is to follow. I was very amused by their rendition of It’s a Wonderful Life and if you watch it, when it gets to the end, if you click on the little bunnies you get some extra clips. Let me assure you, ‘your life has been incomplete until this point‘.

Second is something that I think is just kind of nice.


Walker said...

I have learned to detest the media.
I have said as much a couple of posts ago.
What the do report is questionable no a days rather than the truth.
That's why it takes a couple of weeks for the public to know who their new leader is, It takes that long for the winner to go door to door to tell everyone becuase the news still has to close.

I lost my regular hair stylist after about twenty years and ended up with some know it all punk.
I used to have hair down to my waist and after one visit to him i looked like I got caughbt in a lawnmower.
Since then I have short hair and see a barber for 10 bucks a throw instead of 30.
Have a nice weekend

Random Reflections said...

Oh yes, I read that post earlier in the week. The media certainly have their own agenda or axe to grind on all sorts of things.

I'm in the process of trying to find a new hairdresser, when I have got over the loss of my previous one. I had better find a new one soon or people might think I am going for the Einstein look. Could be worse I guess...