My computer was a bit under the weather earlier. It seemed to object to loading pretty much anything. One of the few things it seemed not to object to was my own blog, so at least it had good taste.
It was freezing when I got up this morning and it was even snowing a bit. The snow now seems to have passed and we are just left with cold and rain instead. Anyway, I dashed into London earlier to see someone for about 15 minutes and then had to head straight back home again to get my hair cut. My hair is now neatly trimmed and I am sure my ear will soon recover from coming up against a particularly vicious comb.
I haven’t done a lot today beyond showing the ultimate in laziness by phoning the library to renew my books, even though it is about 50 yards from my front door. I also went to Tesco. I loathe supermarket shopping and today was no exception, particularly as they seemed not to stock any of the things that I wanted. Even the totally bog standard loaf of bread that I usually buy. Absolutely useless.
Anyway, on a totally different subject, you might be interested in the website Political Compass. You basically answer a series of questions and it plots your political leanings based on economic and social factors. I came out as an economic left social libertarian but reasonably near the centre. (-4.38/ -3.59 if that makes sense). That is pretty accurate. I definitely lean toward the left, but am not particularly extreme in any of my views. It might keep you amused for a few minutes.
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