Friday, January 06, 2006

A lighter note

I thought I would write a slightly more cheery post than the one earlier today.

As weeks go it went quite well. Only a four day week and although I was on call, I did not get one call the entire time. I think that is practically unheard of. So that was good and meant my sleep was left undisturbed. Always a priority.

I walked past Westminster Abbey tonight and as I did so the bells started to ring and it was really rather lovely walking through Parliament Square with the bells chiming in the background. I don’t think I have ever heard the Westminster Abbey bells before (unless it was on TV). Anna Overseas wrote a nice post about visiting London, including Westminster Abbey, a couple of days ago. I must try and go and Evensong there sometime, her description sounded really beautiful. I must also go on a London Walk. I have been meaning to for ages. [I’ll put a link to the actual post soon but it doesn’t seem to be working properly at the moment].

I also saw that Cadbury’s Creme Eggs are on sale. I know that it is totally ridiculous that in January you can buy a product related to Easter – Easter is in April!! – but I do like Cadbury’s Creme Eggs, despite them being really sweet and seemingly shrinking in size every year. I would do pretty much anything for a Cadbury’s Creme Egg or a Cadbury’s Double Decker for that matter. Mmm.....


The Gripes of Wrath said...

I saw the first Creme Egg of the season on Christmas Eve. I was appalled....

Random Reflections said...

I think part of the appeal of creme eggs is that they are only available for a limited time each year - and Christmas Eve seems to being pushing the boundaries of what is reasonable.

Talking of Christmas reminds me of advent calendars. Don't even get me started on advent calendars that now seem to last 31 days. Do they not even know how long advent is??

creepylesbo said...

Cadbury's Creme Eggs are on sale all year round. Any foole knows that.

Random Reflections said...

Really?? I stand corrected. But if that’s the case how come the supermarkets sell them off cheaper after Easter? I am all confused now.

Next, you’re going to be telling me the earth isn’t actually flat...