Sunday, January 29, 2006


I have moved pretty much everything now, although if I am being really picky then that isn’t quite accurate as there is still all my furniture at the old place, plus my TV etc and all my food. I have stuff to eat for breakfast at the new place but nothing beyond that. My mum very kindly came to help me this afternoon and we moved lots of stuff to my parents’ house. How ever much dad may be unobservant there is no way that he will not notice the amount of stuff that is in the spare room, but I am coming back next Sunday to do a major clearout of things that my parents have accumulated over the years so that things can be packed away properly.

The slight problem now is that mum said she had a “huge favour” to ask me, that being will I consider staying at my parents’ house with dad for a couple of days in April if mum goes to Athens. I have already mentioned this here before as my sister had already said dad had been thinking about it. I just kept saying “No, no, no, no, no” (you get the drift), but mum isn’t sure if she can go if I won’t stay – not that dad would stop her, she would just feel guilty leaving him on his own. Mum did suggest that I could arrive really late at night and when I left for work in the morning he wouldn’t be up, so I basically wouldn’t have to see him. She said he sometimes wakes up in the night and he might want someone to be about. I did point out that I wouldn’t be reading him bedtime stories to get him back to sleep.

It’s weird with dad, when I was younger he was this incredibly scary man but now he is worried about spending even a night on his own. I guess as you get older you begin to see your parents differently and you realise they are not the all-powerful beings you once thought they were. Maybe I am a bit heartless but to me he should learn to face some of his fears. I am not even talking about anything major, he just won’t try anything new or different because he worries about what might happen. But surely if you face some of the small things you learn that it can actually go fine and then that builds your confidence to try more things? I don’t think dad’s brain works like that though. It’s going to b difficult to get out of staying with him in April I think.

Anyway, I am still off work tomorrow. It’s a good thing as I would not be in the frame of mind to be returning to the office as I still have a few more bits to do to finish moving. Otherwise I would just feel like it was hanging over me. I finally feel as though I have made some progress so as weekends go it has been fairly successful.

Oh and a totally unrelated thing but the whole blogrolling facility does not seem to be working properly at the moment, so it isn’t telling me when people have updated their blogs. How do they expect me to keep up with my daily reading? That’s technology for you I guess.

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